Patriot Guard Riders of Colorado
Welcome to Our New Website
In February 2020, we had our website redesigned. We tried to simplify and modernize the overall use of the website. If you are viewing this for the first time, you will need to register in the forum in order to post and receive notifications. You can sign up here. Registered members login here.
Thank You
To those of you who are currently serving, protecting, and fighting for the freedom of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you.
To those of you who served in the past, we honor you for the sacrifices you and your families made for us, and thank you for the safety, security, and freedoms we have now.
We honor and support all of you with every mission we carry out, and are praying for the safe return home for all.
Come Join Us
We don’t care what you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a “hawk” or a “dove”. It is not a requirement to be a veteran. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what your station in life is. You don’t even have to ride. All we require is that you show respect for those who have served our country and community.
We do many types of missions and have many opportunities for people to become involved in our organization. Come see us in action, and we guarantee you’ll experience the same feelings that have brought us all together to honor our troops and first responders.
Our Forum
The Colorado PGR forum can be accessed by selecting the "Forum & Missions" link at the top of every page.
You will need to register for these forums if you wish to post to them. If you just want to read the mission information, you will not need to register.
Organizational Structure
The Colorado Patriot Guard Riders is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We are not a protest or counter-protest group. In fact, we avoid politics as much as possible. We are not a motorcycle club or “gang”, nor are we affiliated with any parent organization other than the National Patriot Guard Riders. We do have a “chain of command” that includes a State Captain, Assistant State Captains and Ride Captains. We also have “Help on the Homefront” (HOTH) coordinators. For every mission we perform, the “Ride Captain In Charge” will be assigned in order to coordinate activities and ensure the mission runs smoothly.
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